About the Journal

ELIGIBLE : Journal of Social Sciences (e-ISSN 2828-075X & p-ISSN 2828-1098) is a peer-review, and open access journal published by Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. The journal provides a platform for the publication for monumental research, and serving individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest on social studies and by giving context for current research trends. The journal's objective is to fulfill this purpose through careful editorial review and publication of expert work, by creating legitimate dialogue in a field where a diversity of opinion exists, and by providing a professional forum for interaction of these views.

The benefits for publishing your article(s) in ELIGIBLE : Journal of Social Sciences are: (1) Opening opportunities for collaboration between researchers; (2) Avoiding duplication of material; (3) Uncovering more educational resources; (4) Providing adequate access in developing countries; (5) Providing democracy access across all institutions; (6) Contributing to the core mission of advancing knowledge; (7) Increasing the citation; (8) Increasing the purpose; (9) Making greater public engagement; (10) Increasing the visibility and readership of your research; (11) Increasing interdisciplinary conversation; (12) Retaining copyright, licensed under creative commons; (13) Gaining promotion and publicity of quality research; (14) Complying to funder mandates.


CALL FOR PAPERS Volume 3 Issue 2 Agustus 2024


Eligible: Journal of Social Sciences by LLDIKTI Wilayah 3

We are excited to announce the call for papers for the upcoming issue of Eligible: Journal of Social Sciences. Esteemed researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field of social sciences are invited to contribute their groundbreaking research and reviews.

For further questions, please kindly contact us at:
WhatsApp : 0878-7553-1817 (Elsita)
E-mail : eligible@kemdikbud.go.id

Or you can visit our website for further information about our journal:

Read more about CALL FOR PAPERS Volume 3 Issue 2 Agustus 2024

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): ELIGIBLE : Journal of Social Sciences
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Authors of ELIGIBLE : Journal of Social Sciences are requested to prepare a manuscript in accordance with the Instructions for preparation of manuscript and then to follow the Author Guidelines for submission. Please ensure that the methodological and discussion is adequate, and demonstrates rigour and reflexivity in the production, analysis and explanation of the research data.

We strongly suggest to the authors to send the manuscripts via our online submission system. By using our system, authors can upload the manuscript files (text, figures, and supplementary information) directly to our office. Authors can also check on the review status of their manuscripts during the review process.