
  • ELIGIBLE : Journal of Social Sciences
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    The editor-in-chief, Prof. Dr. Agus Setiabudi, M.Sc., and the entire editorial boards of the Eligible Journal are glad to publish the first issue of the 1st volume of the ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences, which presents five scientific articles according to the scope of this journal from the composition, there are two articles on economics, one on education, one on law, and one on psychology.

    The interesting is that the range of substance from the contents of this inaugural edition is quite complete, starting from the philosophical aspects compromising the Rationality of Cooperative Economic Thought and Sharia Economics) to the practical (The Dynamics of Judicial Administration in the Rule of Law Management System), from the nature of descriptive (The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence on Lecturer Work Performance) to predictive (Forecasting Analysis of Blue Chip Banking Stock Prices March 2019 – March 2021 Using the ARCH-GARCH Model) and solution (Development of Web-Based Learning Model: Digizen Learning for Improving Understanding of Digital Citizenship at SD XYZ Bogor). Several articles also anticipate the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which also hit Indonesia, by utilizing various technological means in their research methods.

    Article by Adler Haymans Manurung et al. shows the ability of the forecasting method to determine the price forecasting of banking stocks classified as bluechip stocks. Agnes Budi Kuntari's article indicates an increase in students' understanding of digital citizenship using web-based learning. Abdullah Fathoni's article reminds us to find a balance between local wisdom, national ideals, and the Indonesian nation's values in responding to economic globalization. Yapiter Marpi's article shows that an accountable and simple management administration system is needed in a legal management system and requires Administrative Court reform efforts based on continuous analysis. Lisye Nurzaman and Lia Amalia's article shows that emotional intelligence can positively predict lecturers' work performance. Still, lecturer certification does not have a moderating effect between spiritual intelligence and lecturers' work performance. The following is a brief overview of the contents of each article.

    This edition reflects the wealth of social problems in Indonesia and the wealth of research potential to address these problems. Like the first edition, of course, there are various shortcomings here and there, both from the editorial and substance sides. Nevertheless, we appreciate all the participation and contributions of the authors, who are lecturers and researchers who are dedicated to solving various problems in Indonesia through a research approach. This condition is in line with the mandate of Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National System of Science and Technology, known as the National Science and Technology Law, which mandates that public policies in Indonesia be based on the use of research results conducted in their own country. In addition, the presence of ELIGIBLE also supports the Circular from the Director-General of Learning and Student Affairs Number B/565/B.B1/HK.01.01/2019 Dated 8.7.2019 Regarding the Publication Facilities for Student Scientific Work. ELIGIBLE is a vehicle in the form of a national journal to publish scientific works of students and lecturers at various levels of education.

    In a meeting of ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences editors and reviewers, Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta conveyed the mandate that ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences one day be known as one of the leading journals. The ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences Editor and the Team at Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta believe that this can be achieved if there is a synergistic collaboration from all elements of universities in Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta. In the next three years since this inaugural edition, we have a target that we can apply for ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences to accreditation by ARJUNA (National Journal Accreditation) to obtain a SINTA (Science and Technology Index) rating. Therefore, all inputs from lecturers and researchers in the Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta are highly expected.

    On this occasion, we would like to thank all parties who have contributed to realizing this inaugural edition, both technically and non-technically involved parties. We have received commitments from several universities in the Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah III DKI Jakarta environment to present quality scientific articles published in ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences. In this case, we can be proud of the cohesiveness of university managers to contribute to the success of the existence and sustainability of ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences.

    All articles that can be published will be developed with various inputs from the editors and the reviewers partners. One specific thing is that ELIGIBLE: Journal of Social Sciences is committed to upholding the ethics of research and scientific publications. Thus, all submitted articles are still handled educatively and selectively to meet substantive and ethical standards.